Sunday, February 27, 2011

God's Glee Club!

   Recently Erin started "God's Glee Club", where the group (currently contains seven of us including Erin) performs every once and a while at Marshall Memorial Church as a glee club, singing Christian contemporary and inspiring popular songs as a part of the church service. This morning was our first performance and we performed "The Climb": Miley Cyrus and "Can't Live a Day": Avalon. However the service at 10:30 this morning was a special one where the congregation sang requested hyms, along with the choir singing some of their songs. It was a longer service this morning and we used our voices a lot, but following the service was lunch to follow. We didn't stay for the lunch though.....because we came home and ate pancakes and bacon. One of my favourites......breakfast for a meal other than breakfast! Speaking of pancakes, the official pancake day is March 8th and I am planning on making gingerbread pancakes with applesauce syrup if I can find the recipe. I always look forward to pancake day, so I am very excited!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Our New House!

   Just over one week ago we moved into our new house. We set up the living room and dining room along with the bedrooms and kitchen. The only part of the bathroom plan that has actually happened so far is the periodic table of elements shower curtain, the rest is yet to come. We have discovered many things about this house in the short time we have been here... in the shed in the backyard there are numerous tiles that match the ones in our bathroom (not my favourite tiles) and we found a duck/swan flower pot, which i'm sure will somehow be made into a joke around this house! There are also at least 7 bird houses on the property, but I have not yet seen any birds?????? Aside from the interesting things we have found, I have also dug up some of my belongings that I had forgotten I had. I found my valedictorian speech, my alarm clock, some money....and a Hannah Montana blanket with an identical pillow, which the dog now has because I grew out of the Hannah stage a while ago. I also found a hair bedazzler which will come into good use when Stacy comes over and two hair twisters that look like they are going to wrip your hair out. I am starting to become immune to particular spots in the house like the creaks in the floor, the noises that come from the basement and the heating vents, which for about 10-11 years I was not familiar with. I still haven't unpacked my clothes, I am cycling through a few outfits out of a laundry basket, but that is my goal tomorrow. Near the end of our time staying at Nancy and Barry's I did start to pack up and organize a few things. I alphabetized all of my cd's and I incorporated my mom's collection into them too. I have already acclompished organizing my cd's, books, and some pictures, and I have noticed that I have alot of stuff!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

   This Thursday is the day we get our house, and on Friday we are starting to move in. We have already planned out our bathroom. We have a periodic table of elements shower curtain that I really wanted, so mom ordered one from California, and we decided to get towels that match the colours of the elements. Instead of stopping there, we are going to frame a poster of "The Big Bang Theory" for the wall of the bathroom, and to make it completely nerd mania we are going to have test tubes as toothbrush holders. I am very excited for the bathroom as we deck it out in geek decor.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy New Year!

   I know, I know, I am posting about the New Year now...when this should have happened last month, but I realized yesterday when I was on my blog, that the last post was about Kelly and Derrick's Wedding, and that was over 1 month ago. So, I decided it is better late then never to celebrate 2011. Happy New Year Everyone!