Saturday, April 16, 2011

Check Please......again!

   My school will be performing the play we competed with for the Sears Drama Festival "Check Please!" once again, but this time it will be held at my school from 6-9 pm. Our show will be ending the evening of the literacy festival and the arts and entertainment festival, which I auditioned to sing at. The events will be taking place on May 3rd in the Ancaster High auditorium.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Romeo and Juliet

About a week ago in English class we were handed the book Romeo and Juliet as our next reading assignment. We are already into the second act, and I am enjoying it. At first I didn't understand it all too well but I have realized that there is a different way of thinking when reading Shakespeare. I don't like it as much as "Cue for Treason", but I haven't finished reading Romeo and Juliet yet.