Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ancaster High's 2011Performance in the Sears Drama Festival, "Check, Please!"

   This year Ancaster High is participating in the Sears Drama Festival and I am the stage manager. We are performing a play called "Check, Please!", that is approximately 40 mins. long, and it focuses on the two main characters: Girl and Guy (no kidding, those are actually their names in the script) that go on various dates that go wrong in many different ways, and at the end they meet up.....and they live happily ever after! The play is very funny and to name a few some of the dates include: a girl with numerous identities, a guy who has every phobia you could ever think of, and a girl who has planned out their whole relationship after meeting only 30 seconds ago, and not even knowing the guy's name. (We even have three brides to walk across the stage so she can pick out her wedding dress!) The show has been pretty hectic recently with people in and out of positions and with finalizing particular details. Today's rehearsal was definately crunch time, as we go on stage tomorrow. We are performing at Sir John A. MacDonald school at 7pm (we are the first show) and there will be three other shows after us. We get to miss our two afternoon classes tomorrow so that we can all figure out tech, set-up and strike time during the tech rehearsal. Then on Thursday there is the private adjudications for that night's shows, and on Saturday there is the award show after that night's shows and then there is a karaoke party to follow, so we will all be up all night. I am excited for the show, and I know that the cast and stage crew members will do an awesome job!

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